Digital Consulting Blueprint

5 Steps To Acquire New Clients, Stabilize Your Income, And Capture The Value You Create

(And Never Work Another 60+ Hour Week Again)

Digital Consulting Blueprint

"Within a few weeks of my first meetings with Nick, I closed two $15k client deals in the same week."

5 emails.
5 simple strategies.
And a crash course on how to turn what you do best into a repeatable, sellable, scalable offer.

Whether you’re struggling to get out of survival mode...Or you've hit a revenue ceiling and feel stuck...

This blueprint has everything you need to become a Digital Consultant.

Written by Nick Bennett, Founder of Harness & Hone - the digital consulting accelerator that has helped dozens of service-based Solopreneurs become Digital Consultants.

"Nick understands the nuances of being an independent business owner and how to scale revenue without burning yourself out."

Want to make sure signing up is worth it?

Here's everything that's inside:

Strategy 1: Set Up The 3 Pillars Of A Successful Digital Consulting Business
Strategy 2: 3 Mistakes Most Solopreneurs Make (And How To Avoid Them)
Strategy 3: How To Outperform 90% of Solopreneurs (In 3 Simple Steps)
Strategy 4: How To Attract And Convert The Exact Clients You Want
Strategy 5: How To Create Momentum (For The Long Term)

Harness & Hone LLC. All rights reserved

Congratulations on taking your first step to becoming a Digital Consultant!

A quick message before you check your email.Now that you're here, you need to know something...

90% of Solopreneurs earn between $5,000 and $15,000 per month.

They hustle. They grind. They put in the hours.

But nothing ever changes.

Now that you've downloaded this blueprint you are on the path to becoming a Digital Consultant, and on your way to the top 10% of Solopreneurs.You aren't just selling hours, projects, or deliverables -- you are selling strategy, expertise, and your ability to generate high-impact outcomes for your clients.This shift changed my life and I know it will change yours too.

Get started with the first strategy.

This kicks off a 5-part strategy email course that contains many of the frameworks I put into practice.So head over to your email, confirm your subscription, and get started with the first strategy.I can't wait to see what you build!Talk soon,

Email confirmed!

In a few minutes, the first email in the series is going to hit your inbox.Enjoy!